
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas in Winnipeg

On the 27th, we went to Winnipeg to celebrate Christmas with my mom. My older brother, Trevor, and his son, Noah, flew out from Montreal to join us.

We stayed the night at the Canad Inns on Pembina Hwy and a had a great time enjoying their pool. Here are a few of my favourite pictures that we took there:

(I'm not sure why Cameron wears a shirt in the water. Trevor asked me if it was a religious thing. Not to my knowledge...)

This little girl looks so good in a bathing suit! (Although Trevor felt the need to tease her about her thighs-- he said I should put her in speed-skating!)

This little boy is so adorable-- love him!

We had such a blast going down the waterslide! Jonah and I must have gone down it together at least a dozen times!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Our kids were up this morning before 8am-- we were done opening gifts by 8:10am!

How awesome to see the happy expressions on Austin's, Jonah's and Sage's faces when they opened their gifts!

Wishing you a merry Christmas filled with wonderful moments and things!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Our computer mouse died last night (or was broken by a certain seven-year old!)

I couldn't believe how many times I went to use the computer, only to remember that I couldn't!

First thing this morning, we went to pick up a new one.

When we were leaving the store, Jonah, who's 4, said: "Mom, did we get a pet?"

(I guess he heard me tell the lady I wanted to buy a mouse!)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas concerts

Austin had his school concert last night. I knew it would be hard to take pictures of him and his class on stage, so I tried to get most of his class to pose in the foyer.

Here's a picture of him as they were getting on stage.

It was the best one I got. He was in the last row with four or five rows of kids in front of him.

So the school concert is done. Now I'm looking forward to his church concert on Sunday morning.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The cheetah

In the middle of October, Jonah started pretending to be a cheetah. He’d run or bear crawl around the house and make a “ming” sound with his “paws” together in front of him.

He’d talk about being a cheetah or about cheetahs in general a lot. If I called him “Jonah”, he’d say: “Um, Mom, I’m a cheetah” & want me to address him as such.

A week or so before Halloween, I told
Jonah that I had a cheetah head that he could wear. “A cheetah head?” he asked.

When I explained that it had cheetah ears, he said (rather indignantly while touching his own ears): “Mom, I have cheetah ears.”

Then, on Halloween, he suddenly wanted to wear the cheetah head. And wear it. And wear it. He wore it to bed that night and for the rest of the week. He wore it to church and the whole week after that.

And for the month or so following
that, he’s hardly taken it off.

Since it’s made of polar fleece, it
has doubled as a toque, which has been
good on cold days. And I guess inside, well, it’s just lots of fun to wear…

I’ve really enjoyed watching Jonah play this way and make believe—he’s definitely the cutest little cheetah I’ve ever seen.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Putting up the tree

We put up the tree this morning. Other than some frustration with the lights, it went pretty smoothly. A few things got broken but I had crazy glue on hand, so it was all good.

I also had my camera on hand...

Step #1: assemble the tree.

Step #2: put on the lights.

Step #3: put on the ribbon & ornaments.

Step #4: pose as a group in front of the finished tree.