
Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Not up to too much today.

Had a new friend over for coffee this morning. Things we have in common: both teachers who aren't working right now, both moms, both Christians, and both... scrapbookers. So needless to say, we had lots to chat about!

I got my scrapbooking space rearranged last yesterday. I stole the shelving unit out of Sage's room and reorganized all my stuff. Went through my stuff and created a pile to give to Carley, our babysitter.

Here are some pictures of my "new" space:

I'm quite excited about this. Everytime I go downstairs and look over at my area, it makes me smile! And here's the layout I created this afternoon there:

I used pictures from when we went to my mom's to help her set up her tree. (It came out a little orange in the scan-- it's lighter irl!

Tonight we have Bible study. Not terribly excited about going. We're (Cam & I) are in a group with three other couples. But the other couples are all in their late forties/early fifties with kids all grown and out of the house. (One couple has grandkids Austin's and Jonah's ages.) Anyway, just not feeling like I'm connecting well with them-- even after a year and a half. Kind of wishing we could be in a group with couples who are in the same stage of life as us.

Anyway, enough rambling for today...

1 comment:

  1. Your space looks great! I love how you have layouts hanging up! So cool!
