
Friday, August 31, 2007

Too funny!

So, it turns out that the man who I wrote about in this post, the one who took some pictures of Val & me at the Corn & Apple Festival parade, is named George Siamandas. I guess he likes to go to different festivals in Manitoba and take pictures of people, create montages and post them on YouTube. I got an email from a Corn & Apple Festival committee member who passed on a link of someone who made a film about the festival. I was half way through watching it when I thought--I wonder if this is the same guy who took our picture... when suddenly, there we were!

You can watch it here. (Sorry I didn't post the actual film in my blog-- couldn't quite get that to work today.)


  1. Cool! I recognized a few other people as well!

  2. What a surprise to see my niece Natasha on the video. I have no idea whose dog she had though!
    That's a really neat thing for the man to do.
