
Thursday, August 23, 2007

What's new

This week has gone by so quickly.

Austin had soccer practice on Monday, which he enjoyed. Except we can't find his shin pads. I told him that he'd have no screen time (TV, computer or gamecube) until we found them. So far, they are still missing. But he's been playing more with his toys, so that's good.

We went to Tinkertown on Tuesday with Mary and two of her boys. That was a really great day! The kids had a blast and the weather was quite good. I'd post pictures, but my computer isn't reading my camera for some reason, which is not good. I'm going to Winkler tomorrow to get a new USB cord. So hoping that that's the problem and nothing serious.

Cleaning/organizing/purging in the house this week. Feels good. I'm thinking of having a garage sale in September, so I'm starting to put stuff away for that. And just tossing lots of stuff out. Of course, I'm putting toys aside for it that the kids never play with and then they see them and start playing with them!

And the Corn & Apple Festival starts tomorrow. It's fun and it's free. Riding on the shuttle bus, the parade, petting zoo, rides, free corn, helping out in our church booth, Chris Rice in concert. Should be a good weekend.

And this weekend is our monthly online crop at MSS. That should be good, too.

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