
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stay & Play

We have been going to Stay & Play at the Morden Parent & Child Resource Centre on and off for over five years now. It's held every Tuesday afternoon from 2 to 4:30.
I took my camera along yesterday, to capture some of the fun.
The first thing that Sage usually wants to do when we get there is make a craft.

(Look at her, cutting all by herself!)

(Displaying the finished product.)

Both Sage and Jonah enjoy playing at the rice table.

One of Jonah's favourite things to do: be pushed around on this toy...

or push his sister around on it!

(Thankfully, there weren't a lot of people there on Tuesday, so they could do this.)
We usually only stay until 3:35 or so, because then we have to pick up Austin from school.
I'm so thankful that this fun program is available to us!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 am

    The one of Sage with her finished icecream cone craft is very cute. Madelyn had a lot of fun making that as well. That Stay and Play program is soooooo great. That was the 2nd time that we have gone in the last little while and Madelyn just loves it. Can't believe that we have never done that before in the past 8 years since kids.
