
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Exciting stuff!

It's spring break and we have a few fun things planned this week... Friends are coming over today, Austin has a friend coming over tomorrow and I'm taking the kids to go and visit my mom on Thursday.

And, Friday evening and Saturday, I'll be busy cropping with two online crops: both CMK and MSS are hosting online crops this weekend which should be lots of fun!

And something that I'm quite excited about is... that I wrote a scrapbooking article and Scrapbooks & Cards Today published it on their website! You can check it out here.

I've been busy scrapping with some kits lately, and should be able to post some things soon (hint: check back tomorrow! LOL!)

But for today, I'll share the card I made this morning:

And if you'd like to read a tutorial about printing on journaling cards, I posted one today on the MSS blog: Journaling tip #2.

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments!


  1. Such a pretty card, Leigh. I love the mix of colors!

  2. Anonymous3:28 pm

    all your work is so lovely!

  3. That card is SO gorgeous, Leigh! I do adore the printed greeting on the journaling card. And the colors and papers are truly stunning.
    Hope you have a fabulous time on your spring break. We don't get one, as we're on a year-round school schedule. ;(

  4. Happy Spring Break to you! hope y'all are having fun. Love the card and I so wish I was going to be around for the crop!! sounds fun!

  5. Very pretty card Leigh, and great tutorial in the Scrapbooks in Cards! Great ideas!
