
Friday, March 20, 2009

A list of good things

1. It's Friday!
2. The kids didn't have school today, just parent-teacher conferences this morning, which went fairly well.
3. Spring is finally here!! (Okay, they're forcasting another snow storm, but a girl can dream. ;) )
4. We don't have much planned for the weekend, so it should be fairly relaxing.
5. A new inspiration piece has been posted at The Inspired Scrapper.
6. My Mom and Auntie Roberta came for a visit on Wednesday afternoon.
7. Two of my layouts were requested for publication this week by Scrapbook Trends for their August 2009 issue.
8. Cameron was gone for night last night for work but is on his way home as I type.
9. Our church is having a "Guess who's coming to dinner?" event on Sunday. We signed up to host and were told to expect a family with four children. (There aren't too many of those in our church, so we suspect we might know who's coming!)
10. I got some scrapping done!

I created this layout for a challenge at Scrap for a Cure to create a two-page layout. Something I used to do a lot, but now rarely do. I was fairly pleased with how it turned out.

And I created this layout this afternoon using today's Scrappy Formula at CMK.

I also doubled up the challenge, by using pop dots on my layout, a challenge that Marcy posted on the MSS blog today.

I like the way it turned out-- I think I'll be using pop dots again in the near future!

Happy Friday to you!
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds like you have had a great week Leigh! Congrats on the pubs!!!
    And I love your LO's! I just love popping up things on my LO's! may become addicted!!! LOL!!!

  2. Great layouts and great list Leigh! My kids were out of school today too and it was 74 degrees. I hope that you have a relaxing weekend.

  3. Your work is always so gorgeous, Leigh! I love both your creations today. I used to do 2-pagers all the time, but now rarely do. I find their design more difficult now. Just love yours.
    Congrats on your pub requests, too.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. What a great list of good things! Love your layouts, and congrats on the pubs!

  5. So many good things happening, yay! Love the two pager.It's a great way to get so many pics on the page and I love the paper along the bottom. And that page of Sage is gorgeous!!

  6. Anonymous9:31 am

    sounds like a great week!!! congrats on the pubs!!!
    love your layouts Leigh!!!!

  7. Anonymous11:18 pm

    I love number 9...what a cool idea! Love your frame in the next post springy. :)
    Have a great week!
