
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Weekend pics and a few peeks

Well, the last weekend in August is one of our favourite weekends of the year, because it's when our town's Corn & Apple Festival takes place. Which means three days of rides, food & fun just over a block away.

Yesterday, we went uptown to check everything out in the afternoon with our friends, Beth and Cordell. The kids were fairly patient as we looked at the different vendors' booths. I picked up another Bauble Lulu charm for my Pandora bracelet and picked up a necklace as well, with money that I got for my birthday in a card this week. (Thanks, Trev, Tat & Noah!)

One of our local stores was also selling off last year's stock, so I purchased a Point Zero skirt to wear to work/church this fall.

Then, the kids went on some rides (one each, thinking they'd go on more on Saturday or Sunday):

The tea-cups for my little guys...

They told me later that they were singing "You spin me right round, baby, right round..." as they rode on it (as per the Chipmunks Squeakwell movie.) LOL!

Then my big guy wanted to ride on the Skymaster-- in the front row! He's so brave!

And, as if that wasn't enough excitement for one day, I took them, along with Austin's best friend, to see Despicable Me at the drive-in. We had a great time!

I don't know what was more enjoyable: laughing at the funny parts of the movie or listening to my kids laugh. Such a sweet sound!

This morning, we walked in the parade with the Humaine Society. This went well, despite the fact that Sadie, the dog I was walking slipped out of her collar twice and the fact that it started raining a few blocks in. Thankfully, we'd brought an umbrella along!

So, the rides planned for today got postponed until tomorrow, which was fine.

Ho, this is turning into a long post!

Before I go, I wanted to share a few peeks of the MSS September kit. I love this kit! I got five layouts done with it this week.

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Thanks for looking!


  1. Hi Leigh!!
    WOW...your kids are growing fast!
    I LOVE the pics,they are so CUTE!

    Love that creation too! I love your stuff!

  2. looks like everyone had a great time. love the pix. very fun and the sneak peaks. yum!

  3. I love the drive in! We have one here and it is just awesome. I know what you mean about the kids sweet.

  4. Looks like a great time! Love your peeks too!
