
Friday, May 11, 2012

Five for Friday

1. I was so excited to see whole watermelons in the grocery store this week! We bought a 26 lb. one on Wednesday and it's almost half gone! Summer is on its way!

2. Austin turned 13 this week, Wednesday-- I am officially the mother of a teenager! Eeek!

I said to him Wednesday evening: "So, I'm thinking the teen years will be the best ones yet. Okay?" He said: "Sure." So, it's all settled. ;)

For his birthday, we gave him a teen Bible:

And a remote control helicopter:

Here are some photos I took on Wednesday evening:

This next one is my favourite! LOL!

3. Jonah got pink eye this week, so he's been home from school for the last three days. I've been staying home with him, which has been nice, since he's been able to help me a little with some yard work. ;)

4. I picked out my Mother's Day present on Tuesday. I wanted a new trellis for the front of our house for my clematis. I needed something narrow, so I'd picked up one at Canadian Tire. It was a little short, but Cam thought we could add to the bottom to make it taller. Then, at Walmart, I saw this one and fell in love with the little birds on it:

I took the other trellis out of my van and needed to put it somewhere temporarily until I returned it, so I put it here beside my front door...

And I kind of like how it looks there. I'm picturing getting a shade loving vine to climb up it.... what do you think? Should I keep them both?

5. And lastly, a crafty share.... I made this card using this week's Make It Monday at Papertrey Ink: background patterns from patterned paper scraps.

I used Papertrey Ink cardstock (vintage cream, hibiscus burst, raspberry fizz), stamps (pretty peonies), felt (simply chartreuse) and dies (notched flowers, turning a new leaf). The patterned paper is all scraps of The Girl's Paperie and the brad is a SU! build-a-brad (I ♥ these!)

Thanks for looking!


  1. Yes, keep both trellises. It looks really cool next to your red door and as a backdrop for your flowers. Happy Mother's Day, Leigh!

  2. I like both of them! Keep them both! Your card is beautiful! Love the papers you chose! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Great Mother's Day present! The little birds on the first one are adorable! Keep them both. I love your red door :) Happy Mother's Day, Leigh!

  4. Awesome card, by the way! Love the combination of papers you and i love the brad!

  5. definitely keep both of the trellises, so pretty. your card is perfection!

  6. Keep both the trellises, think of how pretty it will look to have flowers near your door. Your card is fabulous! Love how you stamped the die cut flower and your mix of colors and papers looks wonderful!

    PS great pics of your son with his helicopter!

  7. Sounds like you had a good week. Love the card you made. That flower with the notched dies is really sweet.

  8. Keeeeeeep. Hoardddddddd :D

    I love your card :) Everytime I see stitching on a card, I wish I could use that sewing machine. Sewing and stitching just isn't my thing, but I *will* make myself learn it just so my cards can look cool XD

  9. hee hee- I love the one where he's ducking away from the helicopter! I have no idea about trellises, but I adore your bright front door :) And love the mix of papers on your card!

  10. keep 'em both...they look great! i love the bird one:)

  11. Definitely keep both! :) And the card is soooo pretty, what a perfect mix of patterns!

  12. Love this card! Notched Flowers is my new favorite die-It looks great with a little pattern on it! Thanks for the inspiration-again! Yes, keep them both! Happy Mother's Day, too!

  13. Keep the trellises, but be careful what vine you choose. I had a trumpet vine I planted on the back of my house and we have wood siding. The vine began to grow into the siding of my house through the paint!
