
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Another tag!

Another round of tag:

What scrapbook lines/products, etc. do you dislike? I don’t really like Basic Grey. Can’t figure out what everyone loves so much about it.

What is the hardest thing you have ever had to scrap? The pictures we took when my brothers were out the week my dad passed away.

What technique do you use more than anything else? I’m not sure… sewing on layouts, cutting out titles, making text boxes in Word.

What is the smallest scrap of paper you save? 12”x ¼” (Great for borders!)

Have you ever had any scrapbook related injuries? Carpal tunnel from cutting out titles! Just kidding!

Finish this sentence, "If I wasn't a scrapbooker/stamper, I would spend my money on..." Clothes, books, CDs.

Give us your best storage or organizational idea. My tool-storage drawers that I bought at a garage sale for $3. It holds most of my embellishments.

You just won a week long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who is going with you? Anita, Heather M., Julie, Cindy & Bryan.

When you received your first publication notification, who did you tell? And if you are not yet pubblished, who will be the first person you share the news with? My husband, my kids (they didn’t get too excited!), my family, my friends… pretty much everyone I know!!

If you've read this, consider yourself tagged!


  1. Anonymous1:49 pm

    You'd take me on a cruise!!!??? OOOHHHHH...I hope you win one!! Now how fun would that be? Thanks Leigh...loved your answers...guess I'm one of those BG lovers too Hey?

  2. The BG doesn't fit into your style so I can see why.
