
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Love this!

I got home at lunch, after picking up Austin, and the doorbell rings. And here is the UPS guy with my "My babies album" and the May/June copy of Simple Scrapbooks. How cool! It was neat to see my album in print (even if I'd already peeked at it this morning at Anita's!)

In the magazine it says you can check out the rest of the album online here:, but I couldn't find it anywhere. If someone else finds it, please let me know.


  1. Anonymous2:01 pm

    Yay!!! the album returns!! So happy for you! (I guess you shouldn't have peeked this morning!)

  2. Woohoo!!! So cool! I have to pick up a copy of that issue! HUGE CONGRATS my friend!
