
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Not much to say

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.

Not much is going on around here.

It's seeding time, so my husband, who farms his parents' land, is gone a lot lately. So it's just me and the kids.

The past couple of days have been gorgeous so we've been working in the yard. Today is cool and I'm wimping out and spending the days indoors. Doing laundry. Tidying up. Getting stuff together for a garage sale. Thinking about pricing the stuff.

And during Sage's nap, I scrapbooked. I got two pages done with the July kit at My Scrap Shoppe, which I'm happy with.

The kids want to go to the movie store and have a movie night tonight. The thought of snugling together on the couch and eating popcorn is very appealing so I think we might just do that.

Then, my friend, Darlene is picking me up at nine and we're going to DQ for coffee. (Okay, more like a pop and fries!) We have to go to DQ because it's the only restaurant in town that's open until 11pm. The other restaurants we've frequented have kicked us out at 10pm-- just when the conversation was getting rolling!

Hope everyone is having a great long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. DQ would be dangerous for me right now! I am having some major ice cream cravings!!!! LOL!
    I can't wait until we have our own place and can do some gardening. What all do you plant? Veggies? Flowers? Or both?
