
Monday, July 24, 2006


My boys have been asking to go fishing for a long time.

On Saturday, after supper, Cameron found two rods and we drove to the lake to take them fishing.

Another first for the Penner family!

The bad thing? I didn't charge my camera battery before we left, so my picture taking got cut short while we were there. The good thing? They didn't catch anything, so I don't have to feel bad about not getting a picture of them holding the fish they caught!

Here are some pictures I did get, though.

It was fun, but I'm so aware of how long they can handle things. As soon as they put down the rods and started playing on the large rocks along the shore, I told Cameron: "Okay, they're done. Let's go." It just keeps everyone much happier.

Even if we didn't catch any fish.


  1. Glad you got a few pictures in. I should get Micah a rod so we can go down to the lake. LOL on the not tolerating it too long. I can see Micah being 5 minutes and being done too.

  2. Anonymous9:43 pm

    great pics!!
