
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Telling it like it is...

For a My Life, My scrapbook challenge on MSS, Jen suggested we list 10 of our favourite something (books, movies, whatnot...)

Anita posted her take on the challenge, which was to ask her son to list her 10 favourite things. (You can see her fabulous layout here.)

After signing up for the Kid Perspective class at Big Picture Scrapbooking, I thought this would be an interesting way to include some of my kids' perspectives in my albums.

So, I asked Austin to write down 10 things that I love. Here's what he came up with and the layout I made with it:

Some of the answers surprised me (like #7-- tag!) but all in all I was pretty pleased with his perspective-- especially where he listed himself twice!


  1. LOL on listing himself twice. I love the tag bit too. I really need to do this kind of stuff too.

  2. How adorable! I am inspired to do this with my kids.
