
Monday, March 12, 2007

Gotta love

1. Saving $50. (I was working on some wedding invitations that require seven rows of zigzag stitching across them and my sewing machine started acting up. I figured out that my extra spool of thread on top of the machine was threading itself into the machine. I tried to pull out as much as I could, but it still wasn't working properly, so I actually took the side of my machine off and got all of the thread out. (There was a lot!) And now, it's working again! ) I say $50, because that's what I cost me last time I took it in to get serviced.

2. The screwdriver holder that Cameron made and put up behind our storage room door. Made it a lot easier to find a screwdriver to do #1.

3. Baking with my kids. I'm not good at playing with my kids. Interacting while they play, yes. Actually getting in there and playing, no. So when I bake with them, I feel like I'm accomplishing many things, including having yummy desserts for my family to enjoy.

4. Being on the design team for MSS. Getting new supplies and making layouts that I really like. Being on a team with such wonderful members.

5. Austin and Jonah start practicing for the skating carnival tonight. Last year's was so much fun-- can't wait for this year's.

6. Having a MIL who agreed to watch my kids for me next week so I can go into the city with a friend. (And next month so I can attend a children's ministries conference in Ontario.)

7. A&W Diet Root beer.

8. Leftovers from yesterday, so I don't need to think about what to make for supper tonight.

9. A daughter who was cranky this morning, but has now been sleeping for over an hour and a half this afternoon.

10. Warmer temperatures which equals melting snow.


  1. I love leftovers too...and so does dh, so that's a bonus!

  2. I am envisioning this to turn into a layout one of these days! tfs. I didn't know we were going to Winnipeg. ;) (phew! glad I read this!)

  3. Love the list. I just got my sewing machine fixed and it cost me $85 plus taxes here so your lucky it only costs $50.

    Okay, I'm reading right that your coming to Mississauga. When??? That's not too far so let me know when and where and I can meet with you???
