
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Spring...not so much

Well, I don't know if we got our spring last week and have now fast-forwarded to winter again (if so, NOT GOOD!!) but it has been cold this week.

So, I'm staying indoors and thinking about different things.

Thinking of hanging my new picture frames over my bed and making a blanket to fold up at the end of the bed. And maybe a bed skirt. But then I'll start thinking.... Hmmm, our mattress and boxspring is getting a little old (11 years this month), so maybe we should think about replacing them. Then, maybe instead of a boxspring, I could get a cool bed from IKEA. And then I wouldn't need a bedskirt. Just some cool baskets to slide under the bed...

Thinking about starting to go through our closets. Freshening up the spring clothes. Seeing what the kids ourgrew. Putting stuff aside for a garage sale. But then I'll think... It doesn't pay to do that before Easter, as we'll be busy over the next few days. Besides, it's not warm enough for spring clothes yet anyway.

Thinking about the diet I started on Tuesday and whether or not I'll hop off of it for the Easter gatherings or not.

Thinking about scrapbooking and working on layouts that I have ideas for, but wondering why I spend so much of my "me time" on the computer.

Thinking, thinking, thinking....

A sometimes time-consuming, not overly productive process.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I can totally relate! This may as well be me. :)
