
Saturday, September 08, 2007

Bye-bye curls

I took this photo of Sage a few weeks ago. I love how curly her hair looks in this picture!

Well, yesterday afternoon, she decided that she didn't like her curls anymore and chose to do something about it. Using her new pair of scissors.

I was sitting at the dining room table and all of a sudden, I heard her say something about "no more curls." Then I saw all the hair on her lap.

So I made an emergency hair appointment and this morning, we went to get it fixed. Here's what she looks like now:


  1. It turned out really nice! (makes her look older! :)And you're right, she's such a good poser!

  2. still adorable!

  3. Awwww! She looks so adorable!!!!

  4. I can so totally relate! She's still so cute though!

  5. Awe I loved the curls too. Micah cut his hair too. So far so good with Kendra but I'm sure it's going to happen. Doesn't look like she took too big of a chunk so that is good.

  6. So cute! why do they do that, lol! - Irma
