
Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My best, best girl

turned three today.

We went mini-golfing as a family on Sunday afternoon. And so this morning, I thought we'd invite Anita & Jorja and Susan & Abbie to come over for a little party, complete with pink frosted cupcakes. (Here's a shot that Anita took at snacktime.)

Then, when the boys came home at lunch, they were all upset that they missed her birthday. So we relit the candles at lunch and of course, they all wanted a turn to blow them out.

(Love Sage's expression in this one!)

And then, my favourite picture of the day:

a moment of pure sweetness!


  1. Happy birthday, Sage!

  2. Happy Birthday to Sage! I can't believe she's 3 already!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to a sweet, cute little girl!
