
Sunday, January 20, 2008

I did it... I said "no"

On my list for 2008, I wrote that one of the things that I'd like to do this year is say no to something, at least once.

I struggle with this, because I want to be helpful and genereally, when someone asks me to do something, I usually think, that's not a big deal, I can do that. The problem, however, is that when I say yes to too many things, it does become a big deal. Because then I get stressed about every "little" thing that I need to do and it is usually my family who suffers the consequences.

So yesterday, when someone called and asked me to make some posters for a Congo Coffee House that our church is having, I thought: "That's wouldn't be a big deal", but then I remembered all of the things that I need to do this week before our women's retreat on the weekend and how I'd like to spend sometime with my family before I go away and I realized that I wouln't be able to do it.

So I said: "No."

It's strange howI felt good and guilty at the same time.

But, I'm really glad that I said no.

And really, that's part of simplifying, don't you think?


  1. Good for you. It's hard to say 'no' but sometimes it is so necessary.

  2. It's definitely a challenge to say 'no', but your family is going to be blessed with that extra time you will have for them.'

    I hope you have a great time planning the retreat this weekend. I had committed to something else that weekend so I'm sad I can't go with you ladies and get to know more women of the church. Maybe next time...

  3. I totally struggle with that too.

  4. I so know what you mean?? It's hard to say no for sure. Good for you though.
