
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Project 366, week 43

Here are my photos of the day for the past week:

Tuesday, October 21: Enjoying a family game night.

Wednesday, October 22: Sage, getting in the halloween spirit a little early. (My mom made this costume for my brother when we were little-- I just love it!!)

Thursday, October 23: Some suppertime photos after skating lessons.

Friday, October 24: My fall girl.

Saturday, October 25: My favourite shot from our day fencing.
Sunday, October 26: We went for a drive on Sunday afternoon to pick up Cameron's hayrack. I shot this one from the vehicle as we turned the corner.

Monday, October 27: Austin, playing in his room after school.
Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Look what I made on Saturday...

A fence!

Cameron farms on his mom's land outside of town and he wanted to put up a fence on Saturday. So I agreed to help.

(Of course, I'd agreed earlier in the week, not realizing that it would be such a cold and windy day...)

But, I brought my camera along and made the best of it.

Cameron put the posts in the ground with a post pounder and I attached the insulators (using a hammer and nails) with the wire to each post.
And it always helps to have such cheerful good-looking helpers along.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some Scenic Route goodness

So, back in June, I'd made a weight loss goal for myself that I had to lose 13 lbs before I could buy any scrapbooking supplies. Well, I managed to lose 9 lbs. (yay!) but the other four eluded me. I'd thought with Super Scrap Day approaching (& knowing that I was dying to go shopping for some scrappy supplies!) that I might be able to lose the weight for that.

Unfortunately, I didn't.

But fortunately, I still went shopping. ;)

(Hey, I'd gone several months with no scrappy shopping, what do you expect from me? LOL!)

So, some of the scrappy goodness that I picked up this past weekend was the new Sonoma line from Scenic Route. Mmmmm!
I ♥ Scenic Route.

And here are a few layouts that I made with it this week:

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Project 366, week 42

Wow, week 40 already!! Crazy how fast the time seems to be flying. Only 12 more weeks to go....
So here are my photos of the day for the past week:

Tuesday, October 14: This is Sage at the Rec Centre when I took her along with me to vote. Someone came up to us and told us that we couldn't have cameras in there. Ooops!

Wednesday, October 15: Austin, at our first tae kwon do class.

Thursday, October 16: Sage & Jonah in the dressing room before their first skating lesson of the season.

Friday, October 17: We went to watch our friends, Michael and Lauren, compete in a talent show in Winkler called Kidz Got Talent. During a couple of the kids' performances, the emcees called the kids up on stage (anyone who wanted to) to sing along with them. Austin and Sage rushed right up there. (They're both on the right hand side. Sage is wearing her lilac-coloured GAP hoodie and Austin is to the right of her.)

Saturday, October 18: Super Scrap Day at MSS. 12 hours of scrapping bliss (with some shopping mixed in!)

Sunday, October 19: Our friends, Al & Darlene and their kids, came over for supper and we played Cranium (love that game!)

Monday, October 20: A picture at the rink at the beginning of skating lessons.

I also wanted to share a couple of layouts that I made on the weekend at SSD:

They both use the Vintage Moon collection by Pink Paislee-- I am in love with this line!!
And I couldn't resist a bit of a cheesy title with the second one-- I had to justify that cute, cute owl. (My alternate title was: "You were wise to marry me." Bwahahaha!)

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I survived...

my first tae kwon do class in over twenty years!!

Austin has wanted to do tae kwon do for a couple of years now and last fall I started giving it some serious thought. I took it for a couple of years as a teen and know it is a great workout, stressed discipline, focus, trying your best etc. I just didn't like the thought of three nights a week having to take him there and back.

When it hit me.

I could take it, too.

So, we signed up last month and started this evening.

I had Cameron come and take a picture of us before class:

Are we cute? Our belts were done up incorrectly, though, but got fixed before the class started.

And it was quite the workout. I started getting a cramp at one point.

I'd thought with running it wouldn't be so hard, but as I reflected on this in the tub this evening, I realized that when I run, I set my own pace. Here, someone else is setting the pace. Quite different.

But good.

We go back tomorrow evening.

Hopefully the soak in the tub tonight will help me not be too sore for tomorrow's class.... ;)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Project 366, week 41

Here are my photos of the day for the past week:

Tuesday, October 7: I almost forgot to take a photo, but remembered as the kids were going to bed. This is what Austin likes to do-- read in bed. (He takes after his mom. ;) )

Tuesday, October 8: Jonah likes to wear shirts with hoods and wear the hood up. (In this, he does not take after his mom! ;) )

Thursday, October 9: Sage had enough money to buy another Webkinz. She named it Leigh. :) In this picture, she actually fell asleep in the van on the way home from Winkler. So cute.

Friday, October 10: My friend, Darlene and I took the kids skating in the evening and went back to our place for hot chocolate and popcorn.

Saturday, October 11: I snapped this photo of the boys when we were at my mom's for Thanksgiving.

Sunday, October 12: It rained all day so we brought games to the farm for our Thanksgiving celebration. Here Sage has teamed up with her uncle Dale.

Monday, October 13: I was inspired by some online friends to do some more fall decorating. I picked up these gourds at Michael's for 70% off on Saturday and thought they'd work in my hurricane lanterns.

Thanks for looking!

Monday, October 13, 2008

a week in the life

Two weeks ago, Ali Edwards offered a free class on her blog: a week in the life. I'd seen projects from this before, as she used to teach this at CKU, etc. and always thought it would be a neat project. When I saw that she was going to be doing it on her blog (& doing it along with us), I had to join in.

Taking pictures everyday wasn't new, as I'd been doing it since I started Project 366 back in January. However, the task was now to take pictures throughout the day.

All. Day. Long.

I was a little worried that I wouldn't get into it, as I've gotten a little (just a little) tired of taking pictures everyday. But, I was wrong.

It was fun to carry my camera with me everywhere we went and take photos of places I'd never taken photos before....

(Hmmm, now I'm wondering if that's accurate. I don't think there was any place I'd never taken photos before, but the volume of photos was new to me, that's for sure. ;) )

I decided to house my photos in an 8.5x11" landscape album by Maya Road (the same one I'm using for Project 366.) I chose Bazzill cardstock and some Fall Fancy Pants patterned paper. I created my titles and journaling boxes in Word and printed them out. I trimmed the pages down so that I could frame them with dark brown cardstock. (And, because I'm cheap and didn't have dark brown cardstock, I decided to use some pink cardstock that I'd bought a pack of a couple years ago and use Making Memories brown acrylic paint to paint the edges brown. This worked quite well.)

Here is the title page:

And the double spreads for each day of the week:
(If you click on the photos, you can see them larger.)

A very cool project that would definitely be fun to do again in another season or a few years from now.

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I miss this...

I'm good with fall, but man, do I miss summer!

Here's layout that I made using this week's scrappy formula at CMK:

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

A hard week

I'm so tired...

This week has been hard. There's so much to do and I feel like I'm really falling behind. I love the things I'm involved in, and don't want to give any of them up, but I feel like it's hard to keep up with all of my responsibilities at home.

AND this week is suppose to be a week off. Of sorts. When I signed up the kids for their "winter activities" (skating lessons for Sage and Jonah, tae kwon do for Austin and me), I wanted them to start two weeks after soccer season ended, just so I could have a week with nothing up in the evenings. This is that week. So next week, the activities begin! Ack!

I know I need to prioritize. I'd much rather scrapbook, hang out on the computer and have coffee with friends than clean, do laundry, bake, etc. But I know I need to get it together.

Next week. ;)

I think I'm just feeling low because this week started with some terrible news that's affected our church family. And tomorrow I'll be attending a funeral and I have no words for my grieving friends.

But this weekend is thanksgiving. And I am thankful. For so many things....

So, I'm making a list to remind myself of the many blessings God's given me.

1. A loving relationship with my heavenly father.
2. A husband who works very hard to provide for us.
3. Austin.
4. Jonah.
5. Sage. (My life would be so imcomplete without numbers 3 through 5.)
6. My amazing friends (both in real life and online.)
7. Our wonderful house.
8. Two vehicles that run well.
9. Dropping gas prices.
10. A healthy mom who's making thanksgiving supper for us on Saturday.
11. Two awesome brothers, a sister-in-law and the cutest nephew.
12. Two wonderful sister-in-law and a whole passel of nieces & nephews.
13. Good health.
14. A scrapbooking crop coming up next weekend.
15. The country we live in.
16. My church family.
17. Our fabulous children's ministries programs.
18. Music.
19. Opportunities to be creative.
20. Learning new things.
21. Hugs.
22. Emails.
23. That God provides for our needs.

I could go on, but it's after 11pm and I am wiped. LOL!

This week, my wonderful & talented friend, Val & I went around town with a video camera and stopped people on the street (& in some stores, etc.) and asked them what they were thankful for this thanksgiving (this was seriously so much fun!). We got a great mix of responses. (If you're wondering why we did this, it was for our ROX Sunday school program for this Sunday.)

So, now I'll ask you: What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Project 366, week 40

This past week, I decided to join Ali Edwards in her a week in the life class she's offering on her blog. Last week was the gathering portion of the class: basically taking pictures of the everyday details of my life.

I enjoyed it.

I've found a little with my Project 366, that some days I'll take the token picture just to be able to say: "There, I've taken a picture. Now I don't have to think about it anymore for the rest of the day." Which, I think, in entering the 10th month of taking a photo a day, that that's probably normal.

But this class gave me a renewed sense of excitement and enthuasiasm for taking pictures. And it was really fun to document a week in my life.

So, with that said, there were lots of photos this past week to choose from for my photos of the day. Here they are:

Tuesday, September 30: Sage walking out our front door.

Wednesday, October 1st: Getting a present in the mail. (Thanks, Uncle Trevor & Noah!)

Thursday, October 2nd: The boys on their way to school.

Friday, October 3rd: Volunteering in Austin's class.

Saturday, October 4th: Making a stop at the library on the way to the farm.

Sunday, October 5th: Jonah and Sage dancing while I made photocopies at church on Sunday morning.

Monday, October 6th: Austin working on his presentation about himself.

Thanks for looking!