
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I survived...

my first tae kwon do class in over twenty years!!

Austin has wanted to do tae kwon do for a couple of years now and last fall I started giving it some serious thought. I took it for a couple of years as a teen and know it is a great workout, stressed discipline, focus, trying your best etc. I just didn't like the thought of three nights a week having to take him there and back.

When it hit me.

I could take it, too.

So, we signed up last month and started this evening.

I had Cameron come and take a picture of us before class:

Are we cute? Our belts were done up incorrectly, though, but got fixed before the class started.

And it was quite the workout. I started getting a cramp at one point.

I'd thought with running it wouldn't be so hard, but as I reflected on this in the tub this evening, I realized that when I run, I set my own pace. Here, someone else is setting the pace. Quite different.

But good.

We go back tomorrow evening.

Hopefully the soak in the tub tonight will help me not be too sore for tomorrow's class.... ;)


  1. Good for you, Leigh! I've never done it myself, but my two kiddos did it for one year. It's definitely a good thing. You should be proud of yourself.

  2. WTG Leigh!! That is awesome - good for you. And you both look sooo...sporty :) Love it!

  3. WOO HOO you GO Leigh!! You guys are SO CUTE in your uniforms! :) Look at the memories you're creating with your little guy!! :)

  4. Are we unknown (and false!) twins? It seems that we share a lot, I was seriously thinking starting TKD this year since my DDs started last week ! I'm impressed !

  5. You are an inspiration, way to go Leigh!

  6. Yay, good for you!

    My kids are taking Taekwondo and I've toyed with the idea of taking classes myself. If only I had more hours in my day...

  7. Holy cow! That's awesome Leigh! WTG!
