
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday scrap stuff

We've fallen into somewhat of a routine on Sundays.

We go to church and then Sunday School.

We come home and have lunch.

Cameron has a nap. The boys play GameCube. Sage watches Dora.

And I do some scrappy stuff.

I. Love. This.


I hosted a crop at the library yesterday from 8:30 to 4. So fun!! Such a nice break to get out of the house, scrapbook and get to know some fellow scrappers a little better.

Here's one layout I created:

I used this week's Scrappy Formula at CMK. I've become quite fond of sketches (& the weekly formula) as a jumping off point for a layout. :)

Oh, and the last part of our Sunday routine: Austin & I will watch The Amazing Race together after supper.

I hope everyone is enjoying a great Sunday!
Thanks for looking!

P.S. Thanks for the overwhelming comments about my counting book!! Sage loves it and I'm very happy with it, too! And, yesterday, I got an email from Scrapbooks & Cards Today, requesting it for either their Spring issue or for their blog. :)


  1. I love your layout!!! And your Sunday schedule sounds like a lot of fun!

  2. Your layout IS amazing Leigh! And what a nice Sunday routine! I hope you enjoy the rest of you Sunday!

  3. sounds like an awesome way to spend Sunday!
    love that layout! and I can't wat to see your counting book in the mag! congrats!

  4. Anonymous8:29 am

    Let me also comment on your's amazing!! It would probably take me a year to make that. LOL.
    Congrats on getting it published!!

  5. love the lo! i have to check out the scrappy formulas over at CMK. and i love the tidbits of your sunday! and CONGRATS!!! yeah!

  6. Congrats on getting your book idea published!!
