
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The CMK March kit reveal

is taking place today!!

Here is the layout that I created with the CMK March kit (which by the way is filled with lots of new Jenni Bowlin goodness as well as papers from a new company called Graphic 45. Very lovely!)

A sneak shot:

My layout:

And the journaling:

Be sure to check out the CMK blog to hop to the other CMK design team's blogs for more kit inspiration!

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thankfully, it's Friday

I spent a large part of my day today volunteering at my boys' school for the Festival du Voyageur. It was lots of fun and it certainly brought back lots of memories of participating in the festival activities when I was a kid.

It's Friday, which means a new challenge has been posted at The Inspired Scrapper. One of my layouts is posted there today, so you might want to check it out. ;)

Here's a sneak:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thanks for your suggestions

Thanks to Rachel and Anabelle for their title suggestion.

When I'd posted this picture on my blog here, they both suggested that I call the layout "Closet Photographer." I'd thought of calling it "birds of a feather" and therefore justifying the bird/bird cage patterned paper, but who am I to argue with such talented women? ;)

So, here's the layout, that I made with the February Kit at CMK.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Killing two birds...

with one stone.

Or, in this case, creating one layout with three challenges! LOL!

I created this layout for the Leave Your Legacy Challenge at Just Cre8 to create a layout about a childhood nickname. I'd taken a picture of this photo at my mom's over Christmas and wanted to scrap it. It's a picture of my twin brother, Chris, and me, when we were four years old. (FYI, I'm on the left!)

I also was inspired by Liz's sketch #12 at MSS and Charity's Monday Muse challenge at CMK to use photocorners on a page.

And here's how it all came together:

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday Scrappy Stuff

Today is reveal day at Just Cre8, where the DT reveal the layouts that they made with the March kit. Here are three layouts that I created with it:

And here's a layout I made for the DT challenge at My Scrap Shoppe this month. The challenge was the theme "love."

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy ♥'s Day!!

I hope you're all enjoying the day with the ones you love!

With love on the brain today, I decided to tackle some layouts of my loved ones. I was inspired by Sonja McLean's post on The Inspired Scrapper yesterday, using the a scalloped piece of patterned paper by Little Yellow Bicycle in ways to get the most out of it. I'd already used a corner of it last week (see this post) and loved the layouts she posted.

So I made this layout:

And this one, which I also made for Liz's Five Faves Challenge that she posted on the MSS blog this week.

Thanks for looking!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Using Scraps

As much as I love pulling out a brand new full sheet of patterned paper from my stash, I also get a lot of joy from digging through my scraps container and finding the perfect scrap of patterned paper to use on a project. It makes me feel thrifty and resourceful... and it brings to mind the layout(s) that I made originally with that paper.

Here's what I used my scraps for today:

It's for Cameron for Valentine's Day. I got the idea and instructions from Jennifer McGuire. To see how to make one of these candy holders, click here.

It's also my day to post on the CMK blog, so if you want to check out today's post for the Friday Formula, you can click here.

Hope you're having a great Friday. Mine is going fairly well. I baked a confetti square, some cinnamon buns, a cake and some cookie dough this morning. I also got an email from Scrapbook Trends Magazine requesting two of my layouts for publication in their July 2009 issue. And right now, I'm anticipating the arrival of eight kids in the next half hour: my two boys, two of their friends, and the four girls that I'm teaching a 4H photography class to. Good thing I baked some treats!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Sweeties and sweets

On Saturday afternoon, we went for a walk to the library. Upon our return home, I noticed how nice and rosy my kids' cheeks were, so I suggested a photo shoot.

Once we got this out of the way

I was able to get some great shots:

Look for these on layouts in the near future. ;)

It's my day to make a Random Blog Post on the CMK blog.

I was inspired by Lulu's post on the Just Cre8 blog to make some Valentine's pillow boxes for my kids.

You can check out my post here for the step by step instructions to make them.

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Fairly productive weekend

...scrapboooking-wise, that is. ;)

I made this layout yesterday using the Friday Formula at CMK:

And I made this layout this afternoon, using the fabulous RAK I got from Scrap for a Cure:

(I was inspired by a layout in the November 2008 issue of Scrapbook Trends.)

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

What I've been up to lately...


Baking. (puffed wheat cake and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies)


I decided to tackle my overflowing basket of layouts. I organized them chronologically and started putting them into albums. Unfortunately, I ran out of page protectors, so I guess I'll be finishing this project another day...

We had our friends, Beth and Greg, over for supper. Sage & I made Olive Garden Breadsticks using our breadmaker to make the dough and I made Lasagna Soup. Very yummy!

Then, Austin and I had our taekwondo promotion test, where we tested for our yellow belts.
Here's Austin doing one of his patterns in front of the testing committee (& I'm on the floor behind him watching him.)

Jonah took this one of me sparring. Unfortunately, my back is to the camera, but that's okay.

We went to DQ after to get ice cream (this is quickly becoming our tradition after tests. Love it!)

This morning, I've gotten a couple layouts made so far for the MSS online crop this weekend.

I made this layout for Jen's stuck on repeat challenge where she challenged us to use our least favourite colour and create a monochromatic layout with it.

Well, by least favourite colour is purple, of which I have none in my stash, so I went with a colour I like, but still made a monochromatic attempt.

And this layout I made using the MSS February kit for my early bird challenge: four or more where I posted the challenge to use four or more photos on a layout. I used thirty five photos here.

Well, the rest of the day should include some more scrapping, a trip to the library with the kids and a movie night tonight.

Happy Saturday to you!!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Scrappy goodies, a mini-book & more...

I got some fabulous scrappy goodies in the mail yesterday. I had participated in the Scrap for a Cure launch party crop and had won a RAK. Well, let me tell you, it was quite the RAK. So exciting!!

Here's what I won:

There are a few things missing from the picture though. Sage has been sad that I'm getting so many scrappy packages in the mail and that she doesn't get any. So I decided to share. She chose a stamp and a dry cleaning tag. And she's already made something with the tag:

The dry cleaning tag had a dress on it, so she cut it out and made a "puppet." Isn't she clever? ;)

I posted the monthly card challenge at Just Cre8 today, which was to use a child's valentine on a card. Here's the card I made for it:

And, I finished this mini-book this afternoon. I used a Maya Road chipboard album and the February kit at MSS to make it. Here's the cover:
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wednesday stuff

I love how most days have a routine. Wednesdays, for me include piano lessons for Austin at 8:30am, followed by picking up groceries at Coop and taking Sage to storytime at the library at ten.

The afternoons are usually spent at home & on Wednesday evenings, Austin and I go to tae kwon do.

I have a bit of blog hopping for you to do today, if you're so inclined. ;)

It's my week to post on the MSS blog and this afternoon, I posted an early, early bird challenge for this weekend's online crop. Here's a sneak:

You can check out the details here. I'm hoping you'll play along... there's a RAK involved. ;)

And it's my first ever blog post on the Create My Keepsake blog where I posted a Wednesday Words challenge.

Hope you're enjoying your Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Terrific Tuesday

The boys are back to school, a friend came over for lunch, I got some scrap goodies in the mail, Sage and I are leaving for Stay & Play this afternoon once I post this and I get to go to Anne's tonight for a Stampin' Up! open house. Sounds like a pretty terrific day to me! :)

Now if only it would warm up.... ;)

Here are a couple more layouts I made with the February kit at MSS:

I had these photos sitting on my desk since last summer/fall. I wanted to scrap them, but couldn't think of something to say. Then I got the idea to group them together and talk about what I love about our town.

And my friend, Karen, commented the other day how happy I seem since I've had Sage. Not that I wasn't happy before, she clarified, but it's like I've blossomed since having her. It's like she completes me (Karen's words). I don't know if this is true or not, but Sage definitely completes our family perfectly and is such a blessing. So I made a layout about it.

And, it's my week to post on the MSS blog MSS blog, I put up a short tutorial today, based on this:

Feel free to check it out. ;)

And I got tagged.

Photo tag:
My friend Daniela photo tagged me!

Here is what you need to do: Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
1. Pick the 6th Folder, then select the the 6th picture in that folder.
2. Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.
3. Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing and leave a comment on their blog or an e-mail letting them know you chose them.

My 6th folder, 6th picture is.....

This photo was taken last week, on January 27th at Family Literacy Night at the library. The kids wore their jammies and brought stuffed animals and sat with other kids while teachers from the boys' elementary school read stories to them. They were given door prize tickets and Sage's ticket was called. She was going up to claim her prize (a paw print sticker!)

So I'm tagging Danni, Eva, Heather, Juliana, Laurence & Staci.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Happy Groundhog's Day

Well, it's still cold. LOL!

We actually had some "warmer" weather on Saturday and took the kids tobogganing, but the wind was quite strong. And now it's cold again.

I don't know if Phil saw his shadow this morning or not, but I would be fine with another six weeks of winter, as that would still mean an early spring for us! LOL!

Here are some of the layouts that I created with the February kit at MSS:

The kids are home from school today and we're enjoying day four of their four day weekend!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!