
Saturday, February 07, 2009

What I've been up to lately...


Baking. (puffed wheat cake and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies)


I decided to tackle my overflowing basket of layouts. I organized them chronologically and started putting them into albums. Unfortunately, I ran out of page protectors, so I guess I'll be finishing this project another day...

We had our friends, Beth and Greg, over for supper. Sage & I made Olive Garden Breadsticks using our breadmaker to make the dough and I made Lasagna Soup. Very yummy!

Then, Austin and I had our taekwondo promotion test, where we tested for our yellow belts.
Here's Austin doing one of his patterns in front of the testing committee (& I'm on the floor behind him watching him.)

Jonah took this one of me sparring. Unfortunately, my back is to the camera, but that's okay.

We went to DQ after to get ice cream (this is quickly becoming our tradition after tests. Love it!)

This morning, I've gotten a couple layouts made so far for the MSS online crop this weekend.

I made this layout for Jen's stuck on repeat challenge where she challenged us to use our least favourite colour and create a monochromatic layout with it.

Well, by least favourite colour is purple, of which I have none in my stash, so I went with a colour I like, but still made a monochromatic attempt.

And this layout I made using the MSS February kit for my early bird challenge: four or more where I posted the challenge to use four or more photos on a layout. I used thirty five photos here.

Well, the rest of the day should include some more scrapping, a trip to the library with the kids and a movie night tonight.

Happy Saturday to you!!


  1. Yeah to you! Congrats for your test! My least fav colors is purple too... I showed my 6th picture of my 6th folder on my blog, I did. It's a plane !

  2. What a handsome young man and cute little girl!

  3. are so creative. LOVE those layouts~!

    Puffed wheat cake!! AWE!! That must be Canadian. hee hee...I grew up with that. Haven't made it in about 15 years. Hmmm....don't think they sell puffed wheat down here!

  4. Anonymous5:04 pm

    leigh, you go girl with your layout organizing!

    AND you go with that tae kwon do! i am so impressed that you're doing that - very cool!!!

    lovin' your orange layout and WOW to the mega picture layout! SO love these designs!!!

  5. Wow! do I ever love your stuff, Leigh! That Home layout is fabulous! Makes me think I could do my project 365 layouts like that. I'm really excited now!!
    Love your orange layout, too. We have much in common. My son's all-time fave color is orange, and I would have chosen purple as the hardest color to work with, too. And those taekwondo pics take me back, also. I didn't join in, but both my kids did it for a year. They made it to blue belt and then quit.

  6. I am so impressed Leigh! Taekwondo! Way awesome girl!!!
    Lasagna soup? I would love the recipe!

    And I am so in love with both LO's but especially the one with all the photos of your home. I am going to have to lift this one to do some of our new home. A before & after type thing!

  7. WTG with the taekwando!
    Love your layouts too. Totally want to do the home mini album.

  8. Love the orange LO!

  9. Anonymous9:35 am

    congrats Leigh!
    (oh... and I have two boxes of page protectors for you at the shoppe).
