
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Denver: Day 4

On Tuesday, June 30th, the fourteen of us piled into two vehicles (Cam rode with Andy, and Josie rode in our van, while I drove) and drove for about an hour up into the mountains. We stopped at a sign for a trail leading to St. Mary's Glacier.

We parked and started hiking up to the glacier.

Apparently, there was an easier trail to take, but Andy likes a bit of a challenge.

We did encounter a steep area fairly early on, but the kids all did really well climbing it on their own, with some encouragement from everyone else. It did wonders for their confidence!

When we got to the top of the trail, this is what we saw:

We had a wiener roast for lunch and then Cameron and Andy took eight of the kids up to hike on the glacier. I stayed back with Josie, Maria and Elle.

A little chipmunk kept coming closer and closer (I think he smelled some leftovers in Josie's backpack!)

Here's a shot of them coming down the glacier. So fun!

Austin loves to collect rocks and was quite thrilled with this find. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it's actually quite lovely with pieces of quartz in it.

We took some more pictures and then headed down the mountain (this time, taking the easier trail. Thank you, Andy!)

I took a few pictures on the way back to Denver, but it's so hard to capture the grandeur of the Rocky's on film. I did think this waterfall was really pretty though.

Thanks for looking!


  1. These pictures are just STUNNING!!! I love the Denver area. It looks like you are having an amazing time!

  2. Wow... the pic are amazing. Such stunning views......

  3. those are aMaZiNg! wow. i love each one and that glacier one? WOW! and that cute chippie.

  4. It reminds me of my holidays 20 years ago ! Been there, seen that all too, it's fantastic ! There were chipmunks everywhere then.

  5. Great pics you got Leigh! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the layouts!

  6. amazing photos Leigh!
