
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A few sneaks...

Well, I've been calling this week family week.

On Friday evening, my SIL, Josie, and her family (the ones we just visited a few weeks ago in Denver) arrived for a five day visit. So, we've been trying to spend as much time as possible with them.

On Saturday afternoon, we hung out at the farm. In the evening, we all went to my FIL's for a very special supper & program.

Yesterday, we all went strawberry, raspberry and saskatoon picking together.

And in the evening, I hosted a bar-b-q for the nineteen of us (I had to borrow some stacking stools from a friend because we didn't have enough chairs!)

Last night, one of the cousins slept over and then another two got dropped off for a playdate.

Shortly, we'll be leaving for a wiener roast with everyone at the park (where I'm hoping to get some good pictures of the cousins.) And then they'll leave tomorrow.

And tomorrow, my brothers and my nephew are coming for a two-day visit! I'm so excited to see them-- it's been a year since we were last together.

And as a result, I haven't had a lot of time to scrap, but, I got my Scrap For A Cure August kit in the mail yesterday. Even though it's been a tad crazy here lately, it was so pretty that I had to sit down last night (when the kids were in bed) and do a little creating with it. So here are some sneaks:

Thanks for looking!


  1. looks amazing, that sneak! and sounds like a really great day!

  2. Glad that you are having fun with all your visiting family! Gotta love summer! Never heard of saskatoon before though... must google that!

    I like your peeks... I'm sure it'll be a great lo to see in full!

  3. Fantastic sneaks Leigh!

  4. wow, sounds like a busy and fun week! yay! you must be getting tonnes of photos to scrap!

    love the sneaks - can't wait to see the full layouts!

  5. I CANNOT wait to see more .. those peeks were umm TEASING .. lol .. beautiful pics girl ..

    love the pic too .. love it ..

  6. Anonymous11:25 pm

    sounds like fun!!! love your peeks!

  7. You are always busy, aren't you! Great pics and sneaks, can't wait to see what you've made!

  8. wow, sounds like you are having fun with your family - great photos! and awesome peeks!! :) smiles, m-

  9. Can't wait to see the rest of the layouts.
    Enjoy your summer!

  10. great peeks and all with company over- fabulous!
