
Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Five

1. We finished Day 5 of VBS at our church this week. The theme was Egypt: Joseph's journey from prison to palace. The kids all had a great time, as did I, helping out.

2. It's Cameron's 40th birthday today. And the kids are all anxiously awaiting his arrival home to surprise him with his gift-- a new bicycle!

3. In honour of this special day, I'm baking a cake (it's cooling right now) and we're taking the birthday boy out for supper to Boston Pizza.

4. I'm looking forward to next week, Thursday, when I'll be testing for my red belt in tae kwon do.

5. Here's a layout that I posted today at MSS for my Summer Sketch series. It comes from the My Mind's Eye blog, where it was posted as a challenge with the theme of "hope".


  1. Beautiful page design... I loved that sketch and wanted to do it but didn't get to that! So pretty, Leigh!

    Happy B-day to your dh! The pizza sounds real good... I'm sure you all enjoyed that!

  2. oh that is so pretty! hope your hubby had a good birthday

  3. Good to hear from you! Thanks for stopping by today!

  4. Happy Belated to Cameron!! I hope it was a special day! And love the layout! so pretty!
