
Friday, December 03, 2010

December 3rd

I signed up to bring treats to work for the staff at the high school. After school, the kids will play hot & cold to find their treat-- a How to Train Your Dragon DVD, which we'll watch together as a movie night. The perfect way to end a busy week.


  1. ...your baking looks delish Leigh! ( and i just watched that movie with my kids the other night and loved it!! ) HOpe you have a fun, fun evening with your kids!!

  2. Leigh how are you girlie!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! :)

    You look like your are completely in the festive mood with all this baking and doing wonderful blessings for others!!!! I wished I liked to bake... I do plan on making something for my dear neighbors sometime soon though!!!

    Hope you are doing well, do take care this holiday season and be blessed yourself!
