
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for...

1. Three healthy children. My friend, Carol, posted about her friend's child who is very sick with cancer. So sad. Just makes me remember how fragile life is and that we shouldn't take it for granted.

2. My job. I've been working quite a bit this week (four days) with 2.5 days next week booked already and five the week after that. That means that I'll have some money to buy #3.

3. The new CHA releases will be arriving soon. I'm mostly looking forward to this and this (the first collection), but I'm sure I'll be picking up more, too. Hee hee.

4. Seeing this post this week-- so exciting to win things!

5. The super nice weather we've been having this week. I've heard we're back to "winter temps" this weekend, but I'm thankful for the short reprieve.

6. My house. I love it. Seriously. I would be very happy living in it for the rest of my life.

7. That things have been coming together well for the Crop for the Congo fundraiser I'm hosting this weekend.

8. For a SIL who loves my kids & is willing to take them for a sleepover this weekend.

9. That all of the packages I went to pick up in Walhalla yesterday were in. When I got there, they said one of them wasn't there, which would have meant another 40 minute drive later in the week. But the clerk went back to double check and found it!

10. That the grocery store in Walhalla had restocked their Diet A&W root beer. Not sure why the American version of this drink tastes better, but it does.

What are you thankful for today?


  1. I know what you mean about being thankful for the good health. I thank God every day for a healthy family. I feel so blessed!

    Okay, the Portrait line from CP is the line I am MOST looking forward to getting as well! LOL

    Hey...I just found out the other day we might be related. Wouldn't that be something! I have a lot of roots in Winkler. My Mom just informed me that some of them are 'Penner's.' LOL

  2. I will say a prayer for your friend. My mom had cancer and it is not fun nor easy. And it does make you look at life a little bit differently once you experience it close at hand. It is so sad.

    I can't wait to get Stella Rose too!!! And I ordered Bo Bunny collection too, along with some new MLS, and of course the staple white cardstock. I can't believe I blew through all of my AC cardstock already!!

    Hoping that your fundraiser crop is a complete success!!!! Our church is having one in march {well just a crop} and I think I might go, it will be fun getting together with other scrappers!

    12 cards??? Girl I barely can make and create one and if I do more its stellar!!!!! LOL. Your rockin' it!

    Have a great weekend Leigh!
