
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Capturing Everyday Miracles

I find that capturing everyday miracles is sometimes a case of being in the right place, at the right time, with your camera at the ready.

Case in point:

I happened to capture this miracle last summer in Minneapolis at the Mall of America on our family vacation. We were taking a break from Nickelodeon Universe and went to explore Legoland. I must have been trailing behind for some reason (maybe I got distracted by something shiny! ;) ) Anyway, when I got to where the kids were, I immediately noticed that my boys were holding hands-- not a common occurence to say the least. But, in being in such a large place, I'm sure they felt safer this way. But whatever the reason, I knew I had to capture this moment on film.

I love how the everyday miracles with which God blesses us include our relationships!

Here's the layout I made with this precious photo:

I used Bazzill (cream) and Papertrey Ink cardstock (hawaiian shores), American Crafts, Cosmo Cricket & The Girls' Paperie patterned paper, a Basic Grey fabric brad, Papertrey Ink stamps (Wonderful Words, Half & Half) and die (Half & Half) and my Quickutz Alphabet dies (reuse).

Other times for me, it's just a matter of taking a photo to remember a moment.

Here's another example:

We were having a wiener roast the other night. I was sitting behind my youngest son while he was roasting a marshmallow. All of a sudden, I heard him singing softly: "Take my life and let it be, all for You and for Your glory. Take my life and let it be Yours.” It was a chorus from a praise song we’d sung that morning in church. It made me so happy to hear this and I knew I wanted to remember it always, so I took this photo:

Yes, it's from behind and you can't see his face. But I felt moving around in front of him would have ruined the moment. Besides, this is the true memory for me.

Here's how I scrapbooked it:

I used Papertrey Ink cardstock (enchanted evening, kraft, stamper's select white), and Half & Half die. I also used Crate Paper patterned paper and a download for the title from a Big Picture Class.

Thanks for looking!


  1. What a great moment to catch. I love that you took the picture from behind...from your view. Perfect.

  2. awww, I hope mine are still reaching for each other when they get a bit older - I melt everytime I see them holding hands, but they're still little... and I love hearing their little voices singing praise songs - with such purity and without pretense... love it.

  3. Nancy Ludwick5:57 pm

    Wonderful moments for sure! I'm so happy you were able to capture them in a picture and now on a scrapbook page. Tender hearts toward God and toward each other. Doesn't get any better than that for a parent!

  4. Very sweet layouts, Leigh. I love the moments you captured and that is so awesome you got the memories down in the scrapbook. Isn't that what it's all about? :-)

  5. Oh Leigh, your layouts and the stories behind them are priceless. Such beauty and precious moments you have caught on camera! Keep it up!!

  6. OK girlfriend. These pictures are AMAZING! I love these layouts and I am in awe! Can you please come over so we can scrapbook together? WOW!!
