
Friday, September 23, 2011

Five for Friday

1. Last Saturday, Austin & I went into the city with his youth group to attend the Rock the River Tour concert at the Forks. It was pretty cold out, but we dressed for it and had a great time! It's nice to be able to spend some one on one time with my eldest. Thanks to Mikayla, one of the youth group members, who took our photo!

2. It was picture day this week for the kids. Because I never order the packages, I let them pick their own poses for the photos and then just take my own when they get home.

I will be planning an afterschool photo shoot soon to take some fall photos of my kids. I love fall photos!

3. Cameron brought a kitten home last night and created some excitement in our home! Unfortunately, I am allergic to cats, so I kept my distance (& need to vaccuum after work today!) Sage was quite upset that we couldn't keep it and is not very impressed with me right now.... Cam will take it to the farm, so hopefully they can enjoy playing and visiting with him (the kitten) there.

4. It looks like I will be joining the team from my church and returning to the Congo in the new year for a short term missions trip! I'm quite excited about this and have lots of ideas spinning for raising funds. So, I will be planning another Crop for the Congo for all of my scrapbooking and card making friends, on Friday, October 28th (6pm - 11pm) and Saturday, October 29th (9am - 4 pm). More details to follow...

5. And because I like to share crafty things...

I used Crate Paper pp, Papertrey Ink cardstock (stamper's select white), stamps (Big & Bold Wishes) and dies (Mat Stack #1 & Bloom Builder #3). The decorative brad is My Mind's Eye.

Thanks for looking!


  1. What a nice week you had. I never realized how alike you and your son look! You even have glasses shaped alike. Love that card. How did you get the bloom builder flower to be multi-colored? Looks great.

  2. The Congo sounds exciting Leigh! Love the wedding card.

  3. Congratulations, that's wonderful news! I'm already signed up for a crop on the Friday, but can I attend on the Saturday? If so, please mark me down!

    Sad new about the kitten. I love cats very much, so I kinda feel Sage's pain ;) I'm sure she will have forgotten about it in no time. You should post a photo of him/her!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Your children are beautiful. Love your wedding card. Love how the color of the flower blends with the pink from the background paper.

  5. Happy Friday Leigh!! I love the photo of you and your boy, it's awesome. And beautiful card, love the flower on the front!!

  6. What a cool post. The photos of you and the kids are so fabulous. And that card...awesome. I love the use of the June calander die cut . Clever you. I adore B&B Wishes, especially how you've worked it here. The Congo?! Cool.
