
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
So, last month, I decided to start Bible Journaling.
I'd been toying with the idea of making a Lent journal,
but thought I might enjoy something like this that would last
past the Lenten season.
So, I ordered a Journaling Bible online, as well as some pens and clear gesso.
And, on Wednesday, I got up the courage to make my first page.

Now, I have to say, this was a learning experience and
I'm going to choose to learn from this experience
(when in reality, I was pondering the feasibility of ordering another Bible to start over!)
Okay, so I understood that coating my page in clear gesso would protect it
and help things from bleeding through to the back of the page.
Well, the clear gesso wrinkled my page,
which I really didn't like.

Then, after I pencilled in my verse and copied over it in marker,
I tried to erase my pencil marks.
 This didn't work.
I made everything behind the letters look smudged and grey.
So, to camouflage this, I blended some grey ink onto the page,
but I'm not happy with the results.
So, next time, I will skip the gesso and really let my marker dry before
trying to erase my pencil marks, which I hope with help.
Okay, so here's my page:

I used two PTI stamps -- one from Phrases & Praises and the globe from Destinations.
I chose this verse first because,
first of all, it's really one of my favoruites that I've had memorized for years.
And this month, it was our memory verse in Sunday School, as we discussed HOPE.
I explained to my girls that people often feel that when things don't go right
(or they have trouble), they think God doesn't love them anymore,
or has abandoned them or has dropped the ball.
But Jesus promises two things in this verse:
#1. We will have trouble.
#2. That we don't have to worry because Jesus has overcome the world.
He's got this and he just wants us to trust in Him.
That's our hope.
Thanks for looking!


  1. Beautiful. Happy Easter.

  2. Good for you, Leigh! I got an Inspire NLT journaling Bible this month and having begun coloring one page with Prismacolor pencils. On Facebook I've joined two groups - Illustrated Faith and Bible Journaling. the comments/instructions there have been helpful.

  3. Beautiful reminder of his constant love and faithfulness.

  4. Cheers from Japan! ! Happy Easter to you and your family.

  5. What a fun idea. I didn't know they made journaling Bibles! Looking forward to what different methods work! Maybe colored pencils rather than marker? They wouldn't bleed through.

  6. I love what you're doing! This is a wonderful learning experience, both with your craft AND your faith. Keep it up -- you're an inspiration!

  7. Well done on a beautiful page. I have had my journaling bible for a couple of months and haven't plucked up the courage to start yet.
