
Thursday, March 05, 2009

I love a no-school day!

They cancelled school today because of freezing rain and icy road conditions. So we're hanging out at home and I'm hoping to get some scrapping done. :) And for inspiration, there are a couple of early early-bird challenges post on the MSS blog for this weekend's Online Crop.

I also have some cinnamon bun dough mixing in the breadmaker, so I want to make them up this morning, too.

For lent last year, I was inspired to make a lent journal, which I really enjoyed. (You can see it here, here, here & here.) Because I enjoyed the process of creating faith-themed works throughout the lent season, I decided to do something similar this year.

But instead of a art journal, I've decided to create some canvases.

I created this canvas last year and hung it in my hallway, with the idea of creating others to hang as a grouping. But the other canvases never materialized.

Until now.

(I'm not sure why the picture looks a little blurry. You can click on it for a larger, sharper image.)

Thanks for looking!


  1. Anonymous3:17 pm

    Sounds like you have a great day planned! Stay safe in all that bad weather. I like the canvas a lot!

  2. What a wonderful idea! And this canvas turned out so beautiful!

  3. your canvas is gorgeous!

  4. Anonymous9:01 am

    Yum, cinammon buns..I'd love a bread maker.
    The canvases are gorgeous!!

  5. that is very cool! i know what you mean about certain projects going unfinished :)

  6. very cool canvas! I have some waiting in my closet to be altered but not sure what I should do with them!
