
Wednesday, February 09, 2011

My Congo Album, part 5

Finishing up the last of my layouts from my Congo album. You can click on the links to see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 or Part 4.

A layout about the 3rd farm we visited. Probably my least favourite day of the trip. I got car sick from the long drive there and back and just found the whole time there kind of boring.

Some photos that I took as we drove by the Congo river in Kinshasa.

I wasn't feeling well the day we went to the artist market in Kinshasa, which was too bad, because otherwise it would have been a really fun time. The vendors were all calling: "Just looking! Just looking! Mommy! Come here to just look!" Too funny! I bought a carved black rhino for Jonah and some bracelets there.

After the market, we went to the zoo. It cost us $0.70 to get in and we paid for bottles of pop for $0.30. So we did get quite a bit of bang for our buck! The housing for the animals was quite sad, really. The highlight for me was being so close to the leopard-- he was gorgeous!

A layout I created with the pockets to document some of the fun little memories or "ways of the congolese."

(In case you're wondering what the pink stuff is at the top right hand corner, it's congolese toilet paper-- pink with the texture of crepe paper!)

A final page with thoughts on the trip as a whole and how it impacted me.

And that's it for the Congo!
Thanks for looking!


  1. Leigh what a great finish to your Congo album! I seriously felt all the way through like I was there with you! You took amazing photos and your journaling was great too! It will be something you can cherish forever!!!

    And thank you for being honest on my blog post. You can imagine sometimes the inner struggles we have within ourselves. I want to break the bondage that I am in and only my Savior can help me do that. My heart is right but my mind is in dessert land sometimes that's for sure!!! And it isn't that I can't "live" it, is that I cannot be in the bondage I have been in with food all of my life. I want to experience the freedom I felt when I started walking with the Lord. That same freedom can be mine through him and this journey that's for sure!!

    Thank you for being you!

  2. Wow, what a fabulous album, and what an amazing trip you were able to take. I really like how you mixed the pages with the pockets in with your 12x12s. I think that's a fabulous way to showcase a lot of photos and hold trinkets from the trip. I think it's great that you saved some money, and even a snippet of tp, as those types of things truly hold many memories.
    This is just gorgeous! I love your graphic style to pieces.
