About Me

I'm so glad that you stopped by my blog!

My name is Leigh Penner & I live in southern Manitoba, Canada, 
with Cameron, my husband of 20 years, 
and our three children: Austin (17), Jonah (14) & Sage (12). 
I work as a design consultant for TWO30NINE by Decor.

I started scrapbooking when Jonah was 9 months old and loved everything about it -- 
shopping for goodies, organizing my stash, creating layouts,
 posting them online, participating in online communities, designing for manufacturers, 
stores and challenge sites.... it was all great!

About five & a half years ago, I bought a diecutting machine and started stamping 
and making cards, which I found that I love even more than scrapbooking.

So, unfortunately, I just don't seem to create layouts anymore.
I do have a pocket scrapbooking album called my Monthly Moments album
in which I document the highlights of each month for my family.

Other things about me: I enjoy reading, photography, blogging & going for bike rides. 
I love watching Netflix marathons with my kids
I do taekwondo with my kids and am a third degree black belt. 
(Yes, that's right..... so you don't want to mess with me! LOL!)

Thanks for looking!


1 Tami said...

Hi there! I love your work! I absolutely love the card you made on August 14th 2014 post - could you please tell me what inks you used for this card? Thank you so much!!

2 Leigh Penner said...

Hi Tami,
I tried to link to your profile, but it's blocked. So I can answer your question here and hopefully you see it....
For that card, I used Papertrey Ink inks in the following colours:
aqua: aqua mist, Hawaiian shores & tropical teal
orange: harvest gold, summer sunrise & orange zest
pink: sweet blush, hibiscus burst, raspberry fizz
leaves: spring moss & simply chartreuse.
I hope this helps!

3 Betty said...

I love your card that has to sentiment, God knows and will comfort you. I tried to find the Blessed stamp set at Simon Says but it didn't come up. You please tell me where I can buy it?

4 Leigh Penner said...

Hi Betty,
I tried to link to your profile, but didn't list any contact info for you. So I can answer your question here and hopefully you see it....
Here's a link to the SSS blessed stamp set:

Anonymous said...

Hi Leigh,
I loved the reference to your black belt in your About Me sidebar summary... I think martial arts and papercrafting make a perfectly sensible combination too! LOL (Mine's in karate and I'm only a first degree black belt, but I definitely don't let that paper push me around ;D)

6 Annette Gordon said...

It was so nice to read all about the person behind the the beautiful creations! Thank you so much for the time you spend sharing your artwork.

7 Vikki H said...

Hi, Leigh,
I do miss your cards and posts. I wanted you to know that your design sense is missed on the crafting internet world. Hope all is well with you and your family.