Everytime I take my three year old son, Jonah, to Sunday School or Wednesday morning Bible study, he says : "Don't want to sing, Mom. Don't want to sing!" And I tell him that no one will make him sing. And then afterward, his teachers tell me that he ALWAYS sings!
Not that I'm surprised, because he sings a lot at home. Mostly theme songs from his favourite shows: Zoboomafoo, Bob the Builder & Doodlebops. But, what's cool lately, is that he has been singing praise songs. He'll sing ones from Sunday School like Stand on the Rock, but I've also caught him singing ones from "Big Church": like Blessed Be the Name of the Lord ("You give and take away, you give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord blessed be your name" and How Great is our God ("sing with me") . He's so cool!
"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise." Psalm 8:2