I'd thought that when I signed up to be a substitute teacher, that I'd get one, maybe two jobs a week. I'd imagined spending my other days at home, catching up on stuff around the house and scrapping to my heart's content.
So far, I've been averaging almost three days a week, with some half days thrown in... just enough to feel like I'm not at home very much. Because, well, I'm not.
But it's good. God is providing financially for us through these jobs. And I'm thankful. I truly am. I'm just feeling a few steps behind in the game. But hopefully, I'll catch up soon. (Who knew that being a stay at home mom for 5+ years would make me so rusty at this whole working outside the home thing? ;) )
Onto other things.
A week and a half ago, Sage celebrated her fifth birthday. It was a little challenging making a guest list when she'd only been in school for two or three days. "Who'd you play with today, Sage? Did you like her? Should we invite her to your party? Did you by any chance find out her last name?" LOL!
We had a lunch party, where I picked up the girls at lunch and we walked to our house. Our menu consisted of peanut butter, jam and peanut butter and jam sandwiches, grapes, ketchup chips and cupcakes for dessert.
Then while I cleaned up, they played for a bit. We opened presents, they played some more and then we made a craft. If you'd like to see what we made, you can check out my post on the MSS blog here, where I share some ideas for using scrappy supplies for the birthday party.
I don't feel comfortable sharing pictures from the party of the guests, as I didn't get the parent's permission to do so, so I'll just share these two of Sage....

I love how pleased with herself she looks in the second one! So cute!
I have some more crafty things that I'll share soon. I promise!
Thanks for looking!