Monday, November 12, 2007

Morden 125 Photography Challenge

In January, Tamara, a woman from my playgroup mentioned being a part of Morden's 125 Photography Challenge and explained it to me.

They asked 12 photographers from Morden to take photos on four days during the year (February 8, May 14, July 1 & September 24) and submit twelve of them for each day. Then from these 144 photos, they would chose their favourites and display them in the art gallery.

After I expressed interest in being a part of this, she told me that they were looking for more photographers, and I could participate if I wanted to.

So, I took pictures on these days and submitted them (only for winter and spring, because I wasn't very happy with my summer and fall ones.)

So last night was the opening night at the gallery. I hadn't heard if any of my pictures were chosen, so I was quite excited to see what they'd picked.

I was so thrilled to get there and see that out of the 35 or so pictures displayed, that they'd chosen three of mine:

I'd forgotten my camera (can you believe it?!), so Basil Holewka (one of the organizers of the challenge) took a couple of photos of me with the photo groupings, but I haven't gotten them from him yet.


1 Eva said...

Congrats, Leigh!! That's very cool!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Those are some great pics. Really like the landscape. SusanR

3 Leah said...

Those are really nice pics!

4 Cindy said...

Wow Leigh, Congratulations!!! What aren't you good at? :)