Having grown up with no sisters, and until I turned 16, very few good friends, this is indeed a huge blessing in my life.
I have three official sisters-in-law and a fourth unofffcial one who I met for the first time this summer. She, Tatiana, is great, as is my twin brother's wife, Cheryl, who I unfortunately don't get to see very often as they live on the other side of the country.
And I also have two sisters-in-law through Cameron's side-- his sisters. They are wonderful! So caring, loving, generous and fun! We got to spend some time together this summer when Josie & her family came for a visit. Cameron took a picture of the three of us and here's the layout I made with it:

The journaling says: "I love Cameron’s sisters, Josie & Sally, and couldn’t ask for better sisters-in-law. They are both loving & caring and they make me feel like a special member of the family. If I could change one thing though, it would be this: I would love to spend more time with them, either together or one on one. With our geographical differences & busy lives, this just isn’t possible right now, so I just try to make the most of it when I do get to see these two fabulous women. (Picture taken by Cameron at Stanley Park, July 28, 2009)"
Which family members are you thankful for today?