Monday, November 23, 2009

I ♥ these women

I have been blessed with such wonderful women in my life, both in the area of friends and in sisters-in-law.

Having grown up with no sisters, and until I turned 16, very few good friends, this is indeed a huge blessing in my life.

I have three official sisters-in-law and a fourth unofffcial one who I met for the first time this summer. She, Tatiana, is great, as is my twin brother's wife, Cheryl, who I unfortunately don't get to see very often as they live on the other side of the country.

And I also have two sisters-in-law through Cameron's side-- his sisters. They are wonderful! So caring, loving, generous and fun! We got to spend some time together this summer when Josie & her family came for a visit. Cameron took a picture of the three of us and here's the layout I made with it:

The journaling says: "I love Cameron’s sisters, Josie & Sally, and couldn’t ask for better sisters-in-law. They are both loving & caring and they make me feel like a special member of the family. If I could change one thing though, it would be this: I would love to spend more time with them, either together or one on one. With our geographical differences & busy lives, this just isn’t possible right now, so I just try to make the most of it when I do get to see these two fabulous women. (Picture taken by Cameron at Stanley Park, July 28, 2009)"

Which family members are you thankful for today?


1 carol said...

My sister is 8 years younger than me and I didn't have any appreciation for her until after I moved out of the house. Now she lives 6 hours away and we only see each other when they come up to Canada.
I have Brent's sister also who lives in Altona and we get together socially once in a while. I'd have to say that I have girlfriends that are closer to me than my related sisters.

2 Julie Overby said...

Love your layout, Leigh! That's one of my fave lines of all time!

I'm thankful for my lil' brother who has had very up and down with so many struggles in life. He is still single and holding on to the Lord with all his might right now. I thank God for him and pray that he keeps his grip tight!

Have a fabulous weekend my friend!

3 Heather M. said...

beautiful layout!

4 debby said...

Oh love this layout!!
I nominated you for an award, check my blog to see!

5 valerie said...

Up until recently I would have had a very easy answer to this question. And then things went haywire. so now? I'm thankful for my brother. He's doing his very best in a very difficult situation. I'm also very thankful for my mom and my mil. Both amazing ladies -- total opposites, but awesome. I'll be honest -- when I saw your LO I teared up :( As someone without sisters, I was so excited to have a sil I loved...