Sunday, June 24, 2007

Keeping cool

We had our June Wind-up this morning (where the children's ministries lead the worship service.) It went well. I was in charge of hosting the R.O.X. part of the morning and both Jonah & Austin sang on stage with their groups, which is always fun to watch.
After the service, we headed to the park for a picnic. There were games planned for the kids (followed by freezies, which Jonah is enjoying in the picture) and we played softball, too. But, man, was it hot! ;)

So to keep cool when we got home, we headed down to the basement (our airconditioning isn't working :( ) and I got to scrapbook a little. Here are the two layouts I created:


1 Eva said...

Love the layouts! Also, great pictures on your last post. We may just have to hit the beach one of these day too!

2 Heather said...

So much fun to watch kids do a service.

Hopefully your air coniditioning is working soon. I'd die without it here.

Great pages you did too.