Friday, November 23, 2018

Five for Friday

Happy Friday!

 I can't believe it's been almost three months since I posted here on my blog!
I knew that when I stepped down from the CAS(E) This Sketch DT,
that it would cut down on my card-making, but I really didn't imagine that I would hardly
craft this fall.

While I have missed sitting at my table and being creative, 
I have also found life to be full lately.
So, I thought I'd post a "Five for Friday" to share what I've been up to....

1. Well I think I have, after two years, adjusted to working full time. :)
It is still my dream job & I love it! 
I feel more and more confident in what I'm doing and 
am blessed to be working with several fabulous contractors. 
I'm hoping to have some kitchen photos to share soon, so stay tuned.

2. Time with my family has always been and continues to be my priority.
With Austin away at Bible College, Jonah in Grade 11 & Sage in Grade 9, 
I am all too aware that my days as an empty nester are just around the corner, 
so I want to soak up all of the time with them as I can!

And yes, I am now the shortest member of my family. ;)

When I started working full time in 2016, I started putting money away in savings to save
for a trip to Florida. 
Well, this fall, I had enough money saved to take Austin, Jonah & Sage.

We had such a fabulous time!
We spent three days at Disney World.

Day 1 was spent at Epcot and Hollywood Studios.

On day 2, we went to Animal Kingdom:

On Day 3, we returned to Epcot to visit all of the pavilions and then
spent the rest of the day at Magic Kingdom.

Then, we spent two days at Universal Studios.


We especially loved all of the Harry Potter stuff!

It was such a great time that we spent together -- I really loved it!

3. We have also been busy with taekwondo, trying to attend class whenever we can.
Last Saturday, I was bursting with pride as Jonah & Sage tested for their 3rd degree black (Jonah) & junior black (Sage) belts.

They tested with our instructor, who was testing for his 4th degree black belt.

At their promotion, Master Lea let me tie Jonah's new black belt around his waist. :)

4. I have also been focusing on taking care of myself.
I joined a weight loss program in July which has had me eating healthier (whole foods, lots of veggies, no dairy, no carbs), exercising more often (this month's focus is yoga, which I'm enjoying) and seeing a loss of 18.5 lbs. :)

Part of the accountability of the program is encouraging the participants to take sweaty selfies after we work out, like this:

I've been loving this transformation in my habits and in my body!

5. And lastly, I have a card to share!
Sunday, we had supper with Cameron's aunt for her birthday, so I sat down in my craft
space on Sunday afternoon and to make her a card.

I used some patterned paper from my stash, some Papertrey Ink button twine 
and some stamps & dies from Wplus9 (Modern Peonies, I think),
which I heat embossed in clear, after stamping them with Versamark Black Onyx
and then watercoloured with my Zig Clean Colour Real Brush Markers and a water brush.

Thanks for looking!


1 Vikki H said...

Hooray for updates! It looks like your life is full and priorities are balanced. Hooray on the fun memory-trip to FL, the black belts and your new healthier lifestyle! Looking good and alive!

2 Lisa Elton said...

So nice to see a post from you Leigh! Looks like life has been treating you well. Good for you on the healthy lifestyle, you look wonderful. Pretty card too, you haven't lost your touch!

3 Darnell said...

You've made up for your absence with this long informative post, Leigh! Good to hear all is right in your world with the kids (how'd they get to be so big so fast?!), your job, and your health! I enjoyed seeing all the photos of your vacation and the awesome accomplishments in taekwondo! It's also lovely to see that your leave hasn't negatively impacted your talent ~ your card is stunning!! Hugs, Darnell

4 Lizzie T a/k/a Wifelady said...

Loved the update! You have been busy!!

5 said...

Thanks for your post on Friday. It was great to hear all your updates and see your photos!
Hopefully, you will be able to post a "Five for Five" every few months around all those
healthy activities!
Sharon Brand

6 Happy Dance said...

Oh it's nice to see you again in blogland, Leigh! And goodness, how your children have grown! College already??! Yep, time flies, so you're right to grab as many moments as you possibly can. Looks like you had a wonderful time in FL. I've been to a few of the venues, but still would like to head back to 'do' Epcot. And congrats on the healthier lifestyle! It's something I'm working at too. Slowly but surely. You go girl. Such a pretty card for Cameron's aunt. You obviously haven't lost your cardmaking skills, lol!! Beautiful. That woodgrain panel under the flowers is really lovely. Makes a great backdrop to highlight your blossoms. Hope to see you here again soon. Take care. Bev

Anonymous said...

I miss your lovely cards!

8 LauraJane:) said...

I was just saying to myself the other day, "Wonder how Leigh's been?"
You look GREAT! Good see all the fun activities you and your Family have been up too. Thanks for the update, and Merry Christmas :)

9 donna mikasa said...

I've been traveling so much that I've missed seeing this post until today. So nice to see you crafting again--what a gorgeous card!--and congrats on the weight loss, you look GREAT!