Wednesday, January 07, 2009

More Scrappy News

I am so thrilled to announce that I was chosen to be a part of the Winter/Spring 2009 Design Team at Create My Keepsake !!!

You can see my entry here.

You can view the DT announcement, along with the rest of the team members here.

I am so excited to be joining this amazing team alongside of these talented women!!!


Lori Renn said...

Congratulations!!! So happy for you.

TheShermanFam said...

Congrats, Leigh!! I was rooting for YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Leigh! I'm looking forward to seeing even more of your wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

congrats!!!! that is so exciting!!!! :)

deryqueen said...

What an honor Congrats Leigh, I knew it was just a matter of time before you were going big time :)

Lucy Edson said...

Congrats, Leigh!! I am so happy you made it!

Anonymous said...


SO well deserved Leigh! You know how excited I am for you!

Have fun with it!

Anonymous said...

SO excited to have you join the team Leigh! You know I love everything you create!!!

Diana D said...

Congrat's to you!!

Tammi said...

Congrats Leigh!! I loved your entry and was keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Have fun with it and I will be following along, watching what you come up with!!


Audrey Pettit said...

Yeah, Leigh!! You GO, girl!! I am so happy, happy, happy for you!!
I think your work is fabulous. Well deserved, my friend!

Unknown said...

Did you hear me scream, Yaaaaaaay, I know you would do it ! I'm soooooo happy for you, congrats !
I am off to check te rest of the team!

Laina said...

You already know how I feel! YAY! I'm over the moon excited for you! Congrats my friend!

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl ..

ellen s. said...

yeah! congrats!

Juliana Michaels 17turtles said...

Congrats on all your scrappy good news Leigh! So well deserved!!!

Anne Alley said...

Congratulations, that's fantastic!!

Liz Goldhawk said...

Congratulations on both of your Scrappy News!

Wendy Kwok said...

How thrilled I am for you! I was rooting for you.... love your work! You deserve to have a spot! Happy happy for you, my friend!

Staci Taylor said...

I'm so happy for you, Leigh, and I'm super excited to get to work alongside of you!

Heather M. said...

LEIGH!!!!! That is soooooo awesome! Congrats!