I wanted to share a few things this weekend, some scrappy, some not & some a combination of the two... ;)
1. My church has asked me to be a part of a team that is going to the Democratic Republic of the Congo in February 2010. I've wanted to go for years, where I can be an asset to the team as a French translator, but circumstances haven't always worked. This year, all of the key players were on board (read Cameron & my kids), so I will be going! I'm very excited & it still hasn't really sunk in. Maybe on Tuesday, after I get all my shots, it will seem a little more real....
2. Because we didn't plan for this, I need to raise some money to go. So, I've been doing some baking and selling it. I'm also hosting a "Crop for the Congo" on January 8th & 9th to raise funds. It will be a Friday evening, Saturday all day crop with snacks & lunch provided, door prizes and free classes. If you're reading this and live close to Morden and would like to come, please email me and let me know.
3. I made a little project this week for Sage and thought I'd share it here...
I picked up this metal tray at the thrift store this week....

And using some My Mind's Eye products, I made this:

The trees & snowflakes are glued on, but I attached magnets to the back of the little characters so Sage could play with them:

Thanks for stopping by!
Aww, that tray with the magnetic characters is such a fab idea! Really cute, Leigh!
And big congrats to you on your upcoming trip in February! Very exciting!
I love what you did with the metal tray!!
That is ADORABLE!!
Hi Leigh! I would love to know more about the Crop. I wouldn't be able to come the Friday night, but would be interested in the Saturday...
- Tara
oh wow, that would be a blast! how long are you going for? love the metal tray...hope you and your family have a happy holiday!
that is the coolest thing! what a great idea!
and yay for your big trip! that is so awesome!!!!!
Going on a trip like that is a chance of a lifetime - and will probably change your life too. Praying for God's guidance as you plan, for His protection as you travel and His hands blessing the project you will work on.
Merry Christmas!
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