The unexpected: the kids' cousin, Luke, dropped by this morning and took the kids skating at the nearby outdoor rink. They were gone for over 2 hours and had a blast!

While they were gone, I cleaned up the house and put up the Christmas decorations. I kept it pretty simple this year, opting to not put out several things, focusing mostly on our two manger scenes: one is Precious Moments and the other is Willow Tree.
When the kids got home, we had lunch and then, after Luke left, we put up the Christmas tree and lights. I was happy to see that Sage still gets a kick out of playing in the Christmas tree box!

And I was thrilled to get this shot...

... and this one...

Then, this evening, Cameron & I had our school division banquet, so I had Sage climb up on a chair and take a picture of us. She took several and this was the best one (on the other ones, my chin was cut off!)

Thanks for looking!
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