Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A week in the life: Monday

I was scheduled to work on Monday, so after dropping Austin off at the middle school, and Sage at my friend, Susan's house, Jonah and I went to Maple Leaf Elementary. We were both in grade two, but different classrooms.

I did however get to see him at recess, since I had duty.

This is his friend, Mimosa.

And here he is, doing his impersonation of a sloth.

At noon, Austin walked home from school for lunch and I went to pick up Sage from Susan's.

I was also suppose to work at the high school after lunch, but when I got there, it turned out that the teacher had written down the wrong date, so I wasn't needed after all. I stopped by my church to do some brief planning with our family pastor. Then I came home to tackle the ever growing pile of dishes and laundry in my house.

After school, we went to the tennis courts at the high school, where Jonah and I played for a while. Sage & her friend, Cambree, played on the play structures and Austin worked on his homework.

For supper, we had perogies and farmer sausage. Afterwards, Cameron took Jonah and Sage to the farm. Austin and I worked on homework until it was time to go to tae kwon do.
Then home, put the kids to bed and crash on the couch. I watched the end of Big Bang Theory and the beginning of NCIS and Chuck (my hubby likes to flip between two to three shows at a time-- and yet can't understand why I don't want cable or satellite TV. Huh.) Then I gave myself a quick pedicure and went to bed early.

Thanks for looking!

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