Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A week in the life: Wednesday

After getting the kids off to school, I volunteered again today as the Morden Festival of the Arts chairperson/secretary.

At lunchtime, Maple Leaf School held a volunteer appreciation luncheon, so I attended that. Delicious food and always fun to catch up with other moms and teachers.

I picked up Austin after lunch and took him to the Festival where he performed two piano pieces: Rag Time and Phantom of the Keys. I was very pleased with how well he did.

The boys played a duet at the festival: Yankee Doodle. They did quite well and I was very proud of them. They are just so adorable when they play together!

After the festival, we picked up Sage from her friend's house and went to Co-op to pick up some groceries.

After supper, I did dishes, a quick tidy of our main floor and then we went to tae kwon do. We worked on patterns and sparring for our tournament on Saturday.

After tae kwon do, we came home. I put the kids to bed and uploaded my photos from today.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

1 Kim said...

I've been enjoying your "week in the life" posts....reminds me that I am not the only one with a chaotic busy family!! haha!
Happy belated anniversary to you and Cameron...and many more happy years to come!