Sunday, April 29, 2007
I just reread a previous post about all of the things on my plate and it feels good to mentally check them off of my list.
Wedding invitations for Austin's teacher--check.
Trip to Mississauga--check.
Spril Carnival--check. (By the way, this was a great evening! We had almost 150 attend, with 100 of them being our own church kids and almost 50 being friends they invited to come. I had over 25 people volunteer to run booths, help set up, lead singing, do sound, make treat bags, run the large group games and take pictures.)
SSD-- check. (I got quite a few layouts done, but they're all for Design Team stuff for MSS, but they're all for May 1st, so I'll post them in a couple of days.)
So, now I've got only two bigger events that I need to plan: Austin's birthday on May 9th and the Run/Walk/Ride for the Congo on May 26th.
But I think I'll take a day off or two from thinking about this stuff and just enjoy a little breathing room...
Friday, April 27, 2007
You know how...
Well, that's what I thought about painting Sage's nails.
She's two and a half and I didn't think of painting her nails yet.
But then, tonight, we went to our church's Spring Carnival. And there were booths for face painting, hair styling and having your nails painted.
So guess who got to paint Sage's nails for the first time?

Id' been doing the hockey shoot with Jonah and when we walked into the room, there was Cameron, painting Sage's nails!

She picked purple, of course. (Love those pudgy fingers!)

She didn't want Cameron to blow on them, and she also didn't want me to wash her hands when we got home (she didn't want the polish washed off!)
So, even though I was disappointed in missing out on this "first" for Sage, it was all good when we got home and I sat down with her in the kitchen and she climbed into my lap and said: "We're together again!" And then she sweetly rested her head on my shoulder.
I love this little girl!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
My weekend
I went with Erna and Pam, who both work in our church's preschool Sunday School area. They were lots of fun to travel with, very considerate and kind. I asked a flight attendant to take our picture (the strange things that scrapbooking gives me boldness to do :) )

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Select on Argentia Road, where we met two other women from the conference, Donna and Vera, from Tilsenburg (?),who drove us to the conference on the second day and took us for lunch on Friday and Saturday. (This saved us from having to take a cab.)

Vera even risked life and limb to take this picture of us on our lunch break-- she stepped back onto a busy road to make sure she could get all of the clock into the picture!

Four of the main speakers that I thoroughly enjoyed listening to were Sue Miller (pictured above) formerly from Promiseland at Willowcreek (she is very dynamic and inspiring-- super easy to listen to!), Mark Holmen & Reggie Joiner.
The conference focused on something called Faith at Home, which stressed the importance of parents being the spiritual leaders of the home, and equipping them to be as such. It was really cool and very practical and doable. I'm excited to get my team together and share and come up with ideas of how to implement this at Westside.
Friday night, after the conference, we walked over a half an hour to get to the mall. I wasn't wearing the best shoes, so this was a little painful! The second evening, after the conference, Heather, an online friend, came & picked us up from the conference. She took us to Swiss Chalet for supper and then to IKEA. (LOVE IKEA!) We had a really great time connecting in real life. Such a cool time in which we live where we can form friendships in ways that 20 years ago, we would have never thought possible.
And, as great of time that I had, it was really good to go home. Austin had made a bunch of Welcome home signs and taped them to the walls. They picked up purple balloons (somehow I think those were Sage's pick) at the Dollar Store and blew them up and then tossed them around. So glad Cameron got a picture of the group hug!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
You know when...

Everyone's happy.
So I finally got my canvas done this morning. I took a canvas class at MSS on Tuesday evening, but had printed out my pictures the wrong size, so I picked up new pictures at Walmart this morning and finished it:
I'm really happy with it. It's for Sage's room and matches her bedding quite well. I bought the Making Memories large letters, that I plan on covering with the same patterned paper (Basic Grey Blush) and hanging on her other wall to spell out "Sage-a-roo."
Well, I'm off to Mississauga tonight for the Willowcreek Children's Ministry conference. I'd appreciate prayers for safety. (It always makes me a little nervous to leave my family.)
See you next week!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Look who got his training wheels off
Thursday, April 12, 2007
a full plate
On top of the regular stuff (being a SAHM, design team stuff for MSS, teaching/organizing the large group stuff for R.O.X.), I've got a few things that need to be organized/created/taken care of.
#1: Austin's teacher at school is getting married and asked me to make her wedding invitations. I have the design okayed, the supplies purchased (except for the glue stick that I was suppose to pick up at MSS this afternoon, but forgot-- too many other goodies there distracted me! ;) ) and now I just need to print them out and put them together.
#2: My trip to Mississauga next weekend (next weekend??!). Wow, it's coming up fast. Not a lot I need to get ready, but just the thought of being away for 3 days overwhelms me a little.
#3: Our church's Spring Carnival on the 27th. I'm in charge of organizing the evening, so I need to find volunteers to man the activities and generally host the evening.
#4: MSS Super Scrap Day on the 28th. Totally looking forward to this, but need to get some stuff ready for it.
#5: Austin's birthday party in May. He doesn't want to go bowling again this year, so I suggested a type of Amazing Race theme with clues hidden around town and different "tasks" to perform in order to get the next clue and eventually find the "pit stop".
#6: A 5km walk/run/ride for the Congo scheduled for May 26th. A team from our church went to the Congo in February and came back and spoke about their experience. They shared how there are women there who've been abandonned by their husbands and, instead of turning to prostitution to feed their families, there's a sewing course that they can take. Then, they can "purchase" a sewing machine and pay for it as they get paid for the sewing they do. I'd like to raise money to purchase sewing machines for this program for these women. My friend, Darlene, and I walked out the route last night. I'm really excited about this.
#7: General get my house/yard ready for Spring stuff. Cameron suggested a work day for tomorrow (he and Austin have the day off-- no school!) and I'm quite excited to tackle some projects. Let's just hope Cam catches my enthusiasm. ;)
So lots on the go, but lots of good stuff.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Happy Easter!

This afternoon, I decorated eggs with the kids (it went surprisingly better than I'd thought it would-- the positive side of expecting the worst! ;) )
Tonight, we're going to my SIL's church to watch a play (she and my BIL have offered to babysit the kids for us-- can't say no to that!)
Tomorrow will be a full day: sunrise service at 6:45am, followed by breakfast at church, then first service, then Sunday school, the home for a quick lunch, then driving 1 1/2 hours to Winnipeg to celebrate Easter with my mom.
Wishing you all a very happy Easter, filled with much joy & laughter.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Good Friday
The worship was great, if a bit loud (we mistakenly sat near the front, by the large speakers. On the upside, our kids making noise didn't bother anyone. ;) )
The message, though, connected with me. So much so that I longed to sit there and think about it, even after the service was done. (Unfortunately, my hubby and three kids didn't let that happen...)
The pastor spoke about forgiveness and how forgiving others is a choice that sets us free. It made me want to think about anyone that I haven't forgiven and ask "Why not? Why would I want to hold on to pain, resentment, anger, hurt and bitterness?" And it made me want to release those things, offer forgiveness and be set free.
And it especially made me thankful for a Saviour who died for me (& beat death & rose again!), who forgives me for every sinful and wicked thing I do, who gently asks me to forgive others who've hurt me and who gives me the strength that I need to do so.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Spring...not so much
So, I'm staying indoors and thinking about different things.
Thinking of hanging my new picture frames over my bed and making a blanket to fold up at the end of the bed. And maybe a bed skirt. But then I'll start thinking.... Hmmm, our mattress and boxspring is getting a little old (11 years this month), so maybe we should think about replacing them. Then, maybe instead of a boxspring, I could get a cool bed from IKEA. And then I wouldn't need a bedskirt. Just some cool baskets to slide under the bed...
Thinking about starting to go through our closets. Freshening up the spring clothes. Seeing what the kids ourgrew. Putting stuff aside for a garage sale. But then I'll think... It doesn't pay to do that before Easter, as we'll be busy over the next few days. Besides, it's not warm enough for spring clothes yet anyway.
Thinking about the diet I started on Tuesday and whether or not I'll hop off of it for the Easter gatherings or not.
Thinking about scrapbooking and working on layouts that I have ideas for, but wondering why I spend so much of my "me time" on the computer.
Thinking, thinking, thinking....
A sometimes time-consuming, not overly productive process.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Spring is here!!
On Monday evening, the kids and I walked to the park. It was great to get some photos outside.
Here are a few of my favourites:

Sage pulling our wagon (I'm not even sure why we bring it along-- she never wants to ride in it and it takes a while for her to pull it!)

The boys on their bikes. (We are going to take Jonah's training wheels off a.s.a.p.-- he hardly uses them at all!)

Throwing leaves into the rushing Dead Horse Creek.

Looking for squirrels. I couldn't believe this photo. Sage looks so grown up here!

Okay, a very messy brother and sister. Austin ignored my advice of not biking down the hill into the very, very wet beach-volleyball court and got stuck. And while I was helping him get out, Sage came running down the hill, planted both feet into the wet, wet sand and fell forward onto her hands and knees!