Sunday, March 26, 2006

Skating carnival

Austin has been taking skating lessons since fall. He is in CanSkate and got his level 1 & his level 2 badges this year.

Last night was the skating carnival-- their windup and presentation for the year. The theme was Grease. Oh, what a fun time! Austin was one of the football players at the pep rally-- so cute!! They skated to Oh Mickey (You're so fine).

The skaters got chocolate bunnies for participating, as well as a "record" with their name on it. Austin asked me what it was and I had to explain to him what people listened to before MP3s, CDs and cassette tapes!


ScrapBookHim said...

wow way to cool.

He looks like a happy quarterback!

Heather M. said...

You're so fine you blow my mind! Hey Mickey! Hey Mickey!
Oh sorry, got a little carried away with the song there! :) :)
Sounds like it was a great time - love his outfit!

Heather said...

Now I got that song in my head now and more so since we are going to Florida in 3 weeks.

Awesome he had a blast with it. The carnival sounded like a lot of fun.