Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Blessings

Our morning started early today with a sunrise service outside (I don't think Manitoba is made for outdoor Easter services-- it was very cold!) where we sang two songs and heard a short message, as we watched the sun rise. Then we went to our church to enjoy a delicious breakfast together.

The boys were ready to leave after breakfast, but we stayed for Big Church and Sunday School. We came home for lunch and then the kids played hot and cold to find their Easter gifts-- they each got a Webkinz stuffed animal.

Since our gathering for today was cancelled (I didn't find this out until Friday), we're having a low-key day at home. I'm hoping to finish up my Lent journal and maybe scrapbook a little. I'm sure we'll continue our Monopoly game that we started last night and I'm making homemade pizza for supper.

Wishing you all a happy Easter!

1 comment:

1 Heather said...

WOW can't imagine an outdoor sunrise service in WINTERPEG. That must have been really cold.

Happy Easter to you too!